Thursday, June 25, 2009

well why not..

So Ryan is always telling me I should start a blog, to vent, to ramble, to think out loud, to educate, to whine - whatever. Just to have it out there. So, here it is. I am pretty sure he just doesn't want to listen to me tell stories or gripe about the idiocies of the world and it's inhabitants that encourage me to climb my happy ass up onto that soapbox I enjoy so much, but I'll pretend to buy into the idea he just thinks it would be healthy and cathardic. ;) -I spelled that wrong....

So anyway, my first installment. Just a simple statement to further prove the ignorance of most people. It's sad really... but get this. I work for AT&T Advertising & Publishing; meaning yellow pages & I spoke with a business owner the other day who did not have his website linked to his ad. I mentioned this and he said it was intentional. I said "you have a website and purposely don't have it linked to your online ad? Why in the world would you want to do that?" He said he didn't want people getting to his website from the ad... he intended the website to work as a separate entity (as if people are just going to aimlessly wander to his website from the internet!).

He said (prepare yourself!) "my ad is on for people to find my phone number. I don't have my website on there in case they're not very computer savvy"

I said, "so, you have an ad online... so people who are not very computer savvy... can find your phone number... on the INTERNET?"

He replied "yep!"

Seriously. Really happened. *sigh*

If you don't understand how stupid that is; go lock yourself in the trunk of your car.
If you don't have a car, ask your neighbor to lock you in theirs. If you don't have a neighbor.... just punch yourself in the mouth.

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