Monday, June 21, 2010

Stray People

So today I came off the 64 exit to Grand & a guy was sitting there in the near 100 degree weather holding a sign, the typical "homeless please help" sort of thing...

I came back by on the way home 2 hours later and he was still sitting there, wiping sweat from his brow... he was dirty and sweaty and looked pretty sad.. sometimes I wonder if these people are really homeless or just trying to "trick" us. But even if he's not really homeless - things must be pretty rough to sit on a noisy corner all day in the terrible heat and sun relying on a good hearted person to drive by and throw out some spare change, because we all know how disconnected people are now & how most of the world has learned to become callus to the suffering of another and turn their cheek.

So I went to the gas station, bought a big bottle of water & a sandwich for him. Returned to his spot & he was still there. I rolled down the window & said "I have somethin for ya" - handed him the water & he started to sit back down. Reached back out with the sandwich & he smiled & took it. Then I gave him $2 - it may not be much but it won't break me and everyone could use a lift when they're down. It's not like someone HAS to be homeless to deserve help. I told him good luck and he kindly thanked me. I wish I could offer him a shower and a home cooked dinner.... but the world is too cruel to trust a stranger these days. So heartbreaking that we can't even help our fellow man for fear that he may hurt us.... I hope he finds his way in this world.

I feel like the little girl I was who wanted to help the stray cats and dogs has grown up into someone who wants to take care of all the stray people... it's too hard and risky to help them all. So I usually just keep driving and it breaks my heart every time. Even if these people really aren't homeless, everyone could use something to eat and/or drink. I've thought about keeping a case of water in my car to give to people like him, but it's so hot in MO it wouldn't be good to drink...

I watched him in the mirror though... he opened the water & drank about 1/4 of it before he stopped... then he wiped his head... and opened the sandwich and started eating it & then I noticed he had missing teeth by how he was eating, maybe no teeth. I was so close to offering him a ride to air conditioning & a shower... but I can't bring some man into my home without any real idea of what the outcome would be... my heart hurts... I hope he finds something to give him a new life or that this is only temporary. I wish I had the answer for him, and the rest of the stray people out there. But I'm only one person, and there are so many strays... if only the rest of the world gave a damn. All of us, not just some. We're supposed to all be in this together, we are MANKIND but everyone is so divided. I fear it will grow worse with time, as that is what history has shown. Prove me wrong world, please?

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