Monday, August 24, 2009

Birkenstock Removal

Ryan and I road tripping through Puerto Rico. We rented a Yaris and drove from San Juan to Ponce to Rincon and back to San Juan. He wanted me to video the drive... I was really bored! So in order to eliminate some boredom I was a total smartass to Ryan! He was grumpy that day. It was funny hehe :)

ps - My mom always wears Birkenstocks! ;)

Monday, August 3, 2009


house is still
silently weeps
creaking crack of the floors

crisp, cool sheets
smell of lavender and cologne
while amos sings to me

breath on my neck
caressing my skin
love's alluring whispers

twilight trickery
night got the best of me
the dawn yields no you

self preservation

Isn't it interesting how the "right" thing to do is usually the hardest? But what of a situation when the right thing for you isn't the right thing for another?

It's strange to think about humans and how we operate, when you
really try to think about it. All the emotions and thoughts we have.. The fact that we cry or feel or think, smile or laugh. We can feel exhilerated or happy, or be so caught up in the thought of someone or something that we can't even function, can't sleep, can think of nothing else. It truly boggles my mind when I attempt to give it deep thought. That we can inflict these things upon others - is it a gift or a curse? It's wonderful to make someone feel proud or loved, excited, needed, wanted. But what happens when those things turn around, when you make someone hurt, desperate, lost, sad, alone? There's nothing to be done to disperse those feelings; and even if they eventually change back to positive emotions, there's still some sort of scar, a reminant of the hurt that once was there.

So what is to be done when the right thing (for
you) only hurts someone else? You can tell someone not to hurt, don't let it bother them; it's "for the best," but that changes nothing. Emotions cannot be controlled. As powerful as we are, there is nothing we can do to over-ride thoughts or feelings. So is it better to do what you know will hurt someone else, so you can function normally again? Or sacrifice yourself in order to save them a little pain? Which hurts more in the long run? Isn't it human nature to concentrate on the bad, instead of being glad for what once was? Seems we only miss the things from our past, and they haunt our minds for the rest of our existance. Love lingers inside us forever; unforgettable, uncontrollable. The same sometimes applies to hatred. Memories are a wonderous, terrible thing...

At times one must stop caring more about everyone else, and take care of ones self. Selfish? Depends on the situation and how it's gone about, or how often it's done. But mostly, (when executed correctly) it's self-preservation. It's hard to forget about another to care about yourself, though. But... the right thing to do is usually the hardest thing to do; is it not? Best to move on and not look back..? Seems that's easier said than done..

wicked world

seep within me for a while
no more need to fake a smile
i'll hide you
from the wicked world

find the child that's still inside
cradle him and let him cry
i'll protect you
from the wicked world

wipe his tears and kiss his cheek
it's alright to just be weak
i'll strengthen you
from the wicked world

let your spirit tear and break
there are times that one must ache
i'll mend you
from the wicked world

fill your heart with my soul
together we will make you whole
i'll recover you
from the wicked world

make me your something to hold onto
what i need is to save you
i'll love you
forget the wicked world